Monday 4 November 2013


  93 million miles away - but just down the lens: Paul's telescope can pick up details of sun spots and solar flares

secara normal..pacaindera kita tak dapat nak tengok matahari..mana taknya..silau..tapi
seorang ahli atronomi Paul Andrews di kawasan rumahnya..subhanallah...cantik betul..ultra super indah..jyeahh

  Stunning detail: Paul Andrews can capture solar emissions from the comfort of his home in Kent
  Filaments of gas shoot out millions of miles from the sun's surface, before falling back down onto the surface of the star
  Another filament takes off from the sun, as a sun spot - a relatively cooler patch - swims across the surface
  Paul Andrews in his garden observatory, which - ignoring the clouds - allows him to capture the spectacular images

Source : dailymail

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