Monday 10 June 2013

LAWAK : Top 5 movie mistakes

1.BEN HUR 1959
in a scene from the movie ben hur .. you can see a small car is red from a distance but the actor, Heston wear watches. It is because of the negligence of the film theme is ancient

James Cameron's superb blockbuster had a huge budget, great special effects, but a lousy continuity person. The famous mistake is the bit where the T-1000 punches his body through the window of the helicopter to get inside, only for it to be intact seconds later. But here are a few more.

3.Rocky Horror Picture Show

There are mistakes and there are mistakes. This is more of an oversight. Anyway, the story's narrator describes the scene as taking place in late November, while Brad and Janet are listening to Nixon's resignation speech on the car's radio. The former president actually resigned in August. There must be a logical explanation.
Now, we don't want to get all picky, but when Jack tells Rose he went ice fishing in Lake Wissota, maybe someone should tell him it's a man-made lake in Wisconsin that was only filled with water in 1918 – six years after the Titanic sunk. Of course, there are loads more errors in this film, but even now we have lost the will to live.
Another example of great film, but someone really should have fired the continuity person. Who did they hire, for God's sake, Stevie Wonder? Take it away, Jose. 
5.stars wars IV
Look, we all know about the stormtrooper who hits his head. However, we must confess, only after someone told us. But did you know about the disappearing/ appearing stormtroopers or droids?

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